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You Want to Accomplish Great Things in Your District

Let's Chat About How We Can Help

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer a range of services from a single session consultation to our comprehensive guidance service, which will take schools and districts through the entire implementation process. Depending on individual needs, ProgressED will provide guidance and partner with schools and districts on the best practices for accelerating student achievement.

We are a team of seasoned educators who understand public schools. We take the time to understand the unique challenges school leaders face. We have significant experience guiding schools and districts with widely differing backgrounds, abilities, and interests. Our consultants collaborate closely with one another when supporting schools and districts.

We regularly collaborate with schools and districts to access their needs and the benefits of our team’s approach and collective experience. We help school leaders and teachers with the implementation of engaging instructional strategies and models proven to accelerate student achievement. We regularly visit schools and districts around the country and attend professional conferences, sharing our findings on educational trends and best practices. We bring deep expertise, design thinking, expert facilitation and the spirit of collaboration with resources and technology to deliver sustainable results

Our team works with schools and districts across the United States.  

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